Welcome to My Family!

In my small group family child care home I emphasize the importance of the loving relationship that is formed between myself and your child. At the heart of my program is the belief that this personal and lasting relationship provides the best possible learning environment.

A Typical Day

  • Arrival/Breakfast
  • Morning Activities/Circle Time: Music, Reading
  • Snack
  • Outside Play (Weather Permitting)
  • Lunch/Nap Time
  • Snack
  • Afternoon Activities: Story Time, Painting
  • Snack/Play Time
  • Get Ready for Home

From Parents

Gina is an amazing teacher. She took care of  my little girl from 6 months to 2.5 years. She helped her roll, crawl, walk, talk, and play. She developed fantastic relationships with other children of all backgrounds, and was spoken to in English and Spanish throughout the day. My favorite thing about Gina was how she encouraged me through milestones with my daughter without judgment, such as leaving the pacifier at home and transferring to a sippy cup. She made wonderful, well-rounded meals and my picky eater always ate well in her care. Her family is lovely and she, herself, is a warm and enjoyable person toward everyone she meets. My daughter absolutely loved being with her!